Flightradar24 :Track Your flight now
Flightradar24 is a flight tracking service that provides real-time information about the location and status of aircraft in the sky.
The service uses a network of thousands of ground-based ADS-B receivers to track aircraft equipped with ADS-B transponders. It is available as a website and mobile app for both iOS and Android devices.
Users can view the location of flights on a map in real-time, as well as see details such as the flight number, airline, aircraft type, and altitude. Users can also track the flight path of a specific aircraft over time, view photos of the aircraft, and see information about the flight such as its origin and destination.
Flightradar24 also provides detailed information about airports, including live departure and arrival information, airport maps, and weather conditions. In addition to providing information for flight enthusiasts, Flightradar24 is also used by professionals such as pilots, air traffic controllers, and aircraft operators to monitor flight activity and plan routes.
Overall, Flightradar24 offers a valuable resource for anyone interested in aviation, providing real-time information and data on flights and airports around the world.
Link to Download App for Android : https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id382233851?pt=6561867&mt=8&ct=fr24_left_panel_social
Link To Download app IPhone : https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id382233851?pt=6561867&mt=8&ct=fr24_left_panel_social
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